A few years back, I put together a book on the people and places of North Lake which proved to be rather popular as a reference source during discussions. Many people have asked if there are any updated books available.
As you can see from the content on this site, there is a significant increase in articles as well as the database of people. While the process of adding to the site is relatively simple, putting it together in book form is far more time consuming. Editing, formatting, adding pictures and anecdotes just to mention a few of the requirements. The total time is probably well in excess of 40 hours spread over a couple of months.
That being said, I am happy to say there is an updated book, in two volumes, consisting of over 1200 pages available on Amazon. click here: https://www.amazon.ca/Connections-Vol-William-Bill-Boone/dp/B0BLYBK53K/r...
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