From time to time there is a need to update family data due to additional children, grandchildren, separation, divorce, remarriage and so forth. In fact, I often get a message asking if I'm interested in an update. Indeed I am.
There is, however, a certain format that most people are not usually aware of. Basically, it amounts to what information is required.
In that regard I have created an online interactive form (PDF) that can be completed and emailed back to me. It's simple to use and most of all far more convenient. Just use tab to move from block to block, or merely click the block you want to fill in. Type information.
Where children are married and have children of their own, transfer their name to a new sheet and continue. Make sure you save the first one to your computer before starting a new one, and make sure you save the second one to your computer with a new name to avoid overwriting the first one. For example, first one is saved as james_brown_family.pdf James has a married son, Adam, with two children, so the second sheet could be saved as adam_brown.pdf The same principle can be used where there is a previous spouse with children and current spouse with or without children.
If information on parents of James Brown is available, including his siblings, use a new family sheet.
The most time consuming aspect of this exercise is the gathering of the information. If you haven't already done so, perhaps you should consider it as a legacy to leave for your own descendants. Many people record the information in their bibles. Or a diary, notebook, or even on the back of a calendar.
Simply click on the link to download the form. Family Group Sheet
Looking forward to hearing from you.
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