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Ron Foster Looks at the Settling of Fosterville

In early 2013 I decided to research the origin of the Fosters’ who settled Fosterville, NB in the mid-1800s.

Since I’m what you might call a “Double Foster” in that my mother’s maiden name is also Foster, and since both great-great-grandfathers on my paternal and maternal sides
are Fosters, and since it has always been rumored that Fosterville was settled in the mid-1800s by four Foster brothers – David, James, Josiah and Elias Foster – I was intrigued to see if this rumor was true or not.

Using information from such sources as: Census reports, birth/death/marriage certificates, cemeteries, Land Grants, Land Grant Petitions, newspaper articles, Public
Archives, personal recollections, letters, internet communications with web sites and people with experience in doing genealogical research, and even starting with the
simplest form of “hear-say”, I accumulated information that was put into a PDF DOCUMENT FILE titled “The Fosterville Fosters – 300 years of history” about 70 pages in length.

Briefly, this research showed a time line as follows:

(1) That the four Fosters’ who settled Fosterville in the mid-1800s were indeed “brothers”.

(2) That the father of these four brothers was Samuel Foster
b.1780 in the state of New York.

(3) That Samuel Foster came as a Loyalist with his parents, landing in Saint John,NB in 1783 as a three-year old.

(4) That Samuel’s father was Josiah Foster b. 1758 in Elizabeth, NJ.

(5) That Josiah Foster was a corporal in the Revolutionary War from 1775 - 1783, fighting as a Loyalist.

(6) That Josiah’s father was Ebenezer Foster, b. ca. 1724.

(7) That Ebenezer’s father was Stephen Foster b. ca. 1700.

(8) That Ebenezer’s mother, Margaret Van Galen b.1706
in New Jersey, was of Dutch descent.

You can read the report in its entirety by clicking Ron Foster's Work

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