The Parish of North Lake and its People

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The Community of Fosterville

Fosterville, or Foster’s Corner as it was first known, is located about 20 milesfrom Canterbury and two miles northwest of Green Mountain. Although a community within itsown right, Fosterville shares with Green Mountain a undefined boundary somewhere on theMountain Hill. If one went by where children attended school, it would appear the line isnear the top of the hill. On the Canterbury side, the village limit is somewhat obscure. From the Sam Foster hill to Graham's Corner, about three miles, is closely associated with Fosterville, although this strip has been known variously as "The Head of the Lake" and "Eel River". To confuse the matter even more, Eel River (a stream as well as a settlement) is located a couple of miles further east. No wonder most people simple referred to the overall name of North Lake.

Indications are that the first settlers in Fosterville were brothers David and JosiahFoster who obtained grants of land. They probably came to the area around 1860 in searchof lumber, particularly the white pine for ships’ masts. Certainly surveyors had beenin this area as early as 1797 when they mapped out North Lake, but it would be some timebefore anyone would actually settle in such a remote corner. Some of the early residentsfelt a railroad would add much to the area, but the closest it would ever come in NewBrunswick would be Canterbury and Forest Station in Maine.

A land map of 1877 indicates there were two stores, a school house, a Methodist Church,and a Hall, probably the Loyal Orange Lodge No. 50. From the border the land granteeswere: Bartlett, Cropley, McMinn, H. McMinn, and D. Foster. From the corner to the SamFoster Hill were: Maxon, Collier, Maxon, Foster, and S.M. Foster. The post office,1889-1970, was located first in the big house at the corner, later owned by Sam Collierwho passed it to his daughter, Edith. Mail delivery before this came from Canterbury,probably on a weekly basis.

Situated on a elevated knoll overlooking the northern end of Grand Lake, Fostervilleboasted one of the finest beaches around. Sandy bottom and gradual descent made it a havenfor all type of water activities and remains so today. Cottages line the shore. In fact,the summer population of 1995 probably exceeds that of 100 years ago.

Continuing towards Canterbury, on the shore of North Lake, a ribbon developmentalong the highway of about three miles. The locals often referred to this area as"The head of the Lake." Fosters owned the property where Emery Armour’shouse now stands; across the road, a Farrell whose descendant, Paul Farrell, still lives.Further on we find Gold ("Gould"), R. Clarke, Welsh, Dean, SchoolHouse, C. Clarke, Foster, Smith, Dean, Dan Graham, Graham, Foster, E. Varney, Varney,Dickinson, MacArthur, Dickinson, Bubar, School House, Wilson, Cunningham, Gold (SeeGould), Flemming and English.

At Graham’s Corner, sometimes called Eel River, aroad went north to Maxwell, Kirkland, and eventually came out at Richmond Corner. The mainroad from Graham’s corner continued on to Eel River Lake, Canterbury and the SaintJohn River road.

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